Sandi Guntara Trisna

Public Notary - Official Certifier Title of Deeds.

Sandi is a professional Notary Public in Indonesia who specializes in corporate legal practice. With background as an entrepreneur himself he has been exposed with diverse business field allowing him to deeply understand entrepreneur needs. Having deeply involved in the financial sectors for 6 years, this allow him to help his financial sectors clients. Sandi has a wealth of knowledge advising publically and privately held companies with all aspects of their businesses. His areas of substantive expertise include lands, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), debt and equity capital markets, REITs, tender and exchange offers, partnerships, joint ventures, as well as general business matters requiring legal opinion. His broad range of corporate clients comes primarily from the construction, finance, and banking sectors.

Substantive Areas of Expertise

  • Corporate governance
  • Debt and equity capital markets
  • Mergers and acquisition
  • Property
  • Government Law

Language Proficiency

English and Indonesian