Accounting and taxes are two areas that require substantial time and effort to do properly. At times business owners neglect proactively dealing with these mundane tasks, especially with rapidly expanding businesses, until issues arise with tax authorities. AMP can assist with a full-range of taxation and accounting tasks, from day-to-day duties that require extra attention to activities around valuation and business restructuring. Our core tax services include:

• Accounting

Our strong background in corporate accounting allows us to assist companies with a wide range of bookkeeping and reporting activities. Our customized statutory reporting abilities include: payroll, taxation, performance check on existing financial administration and consultation related to improving accounting efficiencies.

• Audits

The process of undergoing audits is a time-consuming activity that every company and institution must endure. AMP can improve auditing outcomes by providing experts to assist throughout the entire process. Whether the audit is to meant to realize internal efficiencies, is necessary for exporting purposes, or is a result of difficulties with tax and accounting regulatory bodies, AMP is there to provide assistance and ensure satisfactory outcomes for your organization.

• Planning

Efficient financial planning is vital for businesses to thrive in today’s competitive global marketplace. Our financial experts have a wealth of expertise when it comes to financial planning activities for individuals, institutions and corporations. We are here to help you create the best financial plans so your business can run smoothly and effectively.

• Valuation

Providing valuation for businesses undergoing restructuring (acquisitions or mergers) can be a complicated process. The total economic value of an organization is often worth more than the sum of its tangible assets like brand recognition, technical knowhow, patents and so forth. Our team is able to analyze complex corporate structures and provide clear valuation for businesses as well as outline risk factors in the market. We can assess expected performance, forecast future financial results and provide valuation for both investments and property. These services will help companies completely understand potential risks and allow them to make the best restructuring decision for their organization.